Loren Radis


Amelia (You've Already Changed My World)

You could be a teacher or a sculptor or a maid
You could be an actress, I know you'd light up any stage
You could be most anything your little heart desires
Your infinite potential is something I truly admire

You could be an artist, conjure life from a blank page
You could be an author, so many worthwhile words to say
You could be a mother, teach your children to be brave
You could be a missionary, so many souls to save

But you've already changed my world
My precious little baby girl
Whatever you choose, you'll be everything to me
Yeah you've already changed my world

You could have been born in Portugal, or to a family in Spain
You could have been born years ago, in some long forgotten age
You could have been an Anaiyah, or a Kairi, or a Jane
I thank God that you're "Amelia", born in this time, in this place

'Cuz you've already changed my world
My precious little baby girl
Whatever may come, you'll be everything to me
Yeah you've already changed my world

Soon you will be walking, running, spreading wings to fly
Soon you will be talking, shouting, singing away the night
Soon you will be grown and leaving, your destiny to find
You'll always have a home here, in your mother's heart and mine

You've already changed my world
My precious little baby girl
Whatever may come, you'll be everything to me
Yeah you've already changed my world
Already changed my world
Yeah you've already changed my world


When we began I was young I was thin, I was interesting
A few chapters on, gained some weight, lost some fun and spontaneity
Now I'm older than I feel
Time has a way of making things seem unreal

Does my face still haunt your dreams?
Does your heart still burst at the seams?
Do you love me, like never before,
Or do you not feel that way for me, anymore?

Once was a time, I captivated your mind when you heard me sing
And I made you laugh, so you gave me your hand and you wore my ring
Times have changed and so have we
You look my way, what do you see?

Does my face still haunt your dreams?
Does your heart still burst at the seams?
Do you love me, like never before,
Or do you not feel that way for me, anymore?

Does my face still haunt your dreams?
Does your heart still burst at the seams?
Do you love me, like never before,
Or do you not feel that way for me, anymore?


Sitting still and quiet on the beach
Or running drunk and barefoot down the street
There's nowhere else I'd rather be
And no one I'd rather were here with me

And I don't care if you know that you drive me wild
When you kiss my cheek
And I'm not scared to tell you that I feel complete
When you're here with me

And I'm sorry that I'm not who I should be
I'm sorry for always saying sorry
I'm sorry 'cuz I probably shouldn't tell you
But I'm really starting to believe I love you

I love you
And I need you



Compliments To The Architect


I can feel the tune, it's comin' in soon
As I dance around the room
I can feel the music in my soul
You don't believe me? That's your call
It may be true, I look the fool
'Cuz I never learned to play it cool
But you'll only see what you wanna see
That's pretty clear, this ends now and here
Either way...

And if I’m not good enough
If who I am is not gonna satisfy you now
I don’t know who you thought I was
But I…
I’ve never been much of a dancer

You say love’s a game you gotta win to play
But you gotta play to win what sense does that make?
And I don’t wanna play some stupid game
If that’s all it means I don’t want a piece
But I can’t say that I won’t play
'Cuz you’ll just say I’m scared of the game
So come on I’ll take you on
You think I’m done I’ll prove you wrong
Either way...

And if this ain't good enough
If what you see’s not gonna satisfy you now
Then we better call it off
'Cuz I…
I’ve never been much of a dancer
I’ve never been much of a dancer
I’ve never been much of a dancer

Everything's Gonna Be Alright

I'll be here when you need me to be And I'll do all the sweet things I know you'd do for me And I will try to be all you want from me And I'll be here for you I know there's times you wanna pack yoru bags and leave this town Wherever you go my dear you know that's where I will be found So if you get the urge to jump right outta your head Well I'll jump too just take my hand When you're here I know you're everything I need When you're gone I honestly find it hard to breathe Sometimes it feels like you're gonna slide right offa the bed I promise I own't let you fall down and hurt your head So if you feel like you could just go right outta your mind Well trust me baby you'll be fine Sometimes you wanna scream at the top of your lungs So go on baby scream at me no need to bite your tongue Just never doubt that you're the most important part of my life


Hold On


Plain white t-shirts on the floor
It's hard to tell which is mine and which is yours
I don't know what you want me to say
I can only take this day by day

Day by day

I can kiss you where it hurts
Will that help or only make it worse?
Your voice crackles on the telephone
When I hear it, it feels like coming home

Coming home

Home is when I'm by your side
Home is drowning in your eyes
Home is in each tender kiss
When you're away, I'm the one... who's homesick

Whithered petals on the dash
I don't know how I fell so far so fast
In memory I'll keep this rose
And wait for the day when you'll be coming home

Coming home

Home is when I'm by your side
Home is drowning in your eyes
Home is in each tender kiss
When you're away, I'm the one... who's homesick

Home is when I'm by your side
Home is drowning in your eyes
Home is in each tender kiss
When you're away, I'm the one... Yeah, I'm the one... who's homesick

If You'll Be Mine

I'll be your crazy dancer
I'll give you all you ask for
I'll be your question's answer
If you'll be mine
If you'll be mine

I'll wash up all the dishes
If you'll be there to help me dry
I'll grant you all your wishes
If you'll be mine
If you'll be mine

I don't have all the answers
Just the ones that really matter
Like the way you know your laughter
Makes me feel alive

I'll put a golden band on
The ring finger of your left hand
I promise to hold you forever
If you'll say yes
If you'll say yes If you'll say yes If you'll say yes

I'm Gonna Be A Daddy


My Fine Friend

Never Let Me Go

We could sleep all day and I wouldn't feel like a second was wasted
Because I know my place is gazing lovingly into your face
We could drive all night, find ourselves in a new town up the coast
I don't care, it doesn't matter where we are so long as you're there

Nothing scares me more than growing old
Slowly losing hold of all I've come to know
I'm never frightened, darling, when you're close
So promise you will never let me go

When you kiss my lips, I know it sounds strange but I swear my heart skips a beat
And when you cry, I pray the good lord would just let me die

Take my hand and baby don't you cry
Oh, how I wish that we could leave our cares far behind
We'd build a ship that soars right through the clouds
And we would never ever come back down

Never let me go
Never let me go
Never let me go

There always will be days when we're afraid
And we won't always know just what to do or say
I can't promise we'll never grow old
But I promise I will never let you go

Our Terrified Ghosts

I'll pour the shots if you're drinking
And we'll scare all our troubles away
It won't make us well but it'll help us fake it
And help voice all the things we can't say

But the words just stay tucked in our pockets
With the movie stubs and the keys to our cars
So instead we'll just listen to the music
And hum along to Between The Bars

I'll sing to the night and you'll listen
And pretend that I'm singing to you
A song about love and forgiveness
But those songs are just too good to be true

And Smokey Joe can yell from downstairs all he wants
Doesn't he know, there's nobody here but us
Terrified Ghosts in our bright colored robes
He says he's just trying to get him some sleep
So are we

You'll look at me and I'll smile
But we can't bear to say how we feel
And our friends have been asleep for quite a while
It's so late it's hard to tell just what's real

And I wonder if you'll dream about me
Or if your head's too full of tonic and gin
Well, there's always tomorrow to tell you
Always another day to bottle it in

No one's young as they used to be
But we'll hold on just as well as we can
Let's meet here the same time next week
We'll sing the night away all over again

And Our Terrified Ghosts can howl in our minds all they want
Don't they know that we can't be frightened
No longer alone with no place to call home
They're just trying to find some quiet and peace
So are we
So are we
So are we

Painter's Muse

Saint Elmo's Fire

Just flip a coin, heads you win
Tails I lose, ain't that how it’s always been?
I’m growing up a day at a time
Not fast enough to hold onto what is mine

And all I want
Is all I’ve lost

There is a ghost in my mirror
He makes me see all of my deepest fears
I don’t know what you want from me
What will it take to make you leave in peace?

He says “All I want
Is all you’ve got”

I know the path, stay close to me
Those ghostly lights, don’t pay them any heed
Saint Elmo’s Fire lights our way
Hades awaits those who but a little stray

And all your gold
Will not save your soul

San Francisco

Don't just tell me what you think I want to hear
That's just the kind of thing that landed us here
Scared to leave and scared to say we don't want to go
Afraid of what we've seen and all we don't know
And if you don't, baby just you don't
But if you do, please won't you tell me that you do
And if you won't, well I think that I'd rather know
And if you wanna go to San Francisco, just go

And I won't cry for you, I won't waste no more tears
I'm not gonna let my life be ruled by fear
If you leave me now, just like you left me then
I swear to you this time I'll have no regrets
And if I'm not what you want then baby just say I'm not
And if I am please won't you show me that I am?
And if you won't, well I think that I'd rather know
And if you wanna go to San Francisco, just go

Sometimes I wonder just how it makes you feel
When I tell you how beautiful you are to me
Do you know that what it is I really mean
Is that your face is the loveliest that I've ever seen

Sometimes I wonder if you understand what I mean
When I tell you that I love you
Sometimes I'm not sure if you know what I'm trying to say
Is that I don't think I could live without you, no no
Baby don't go
Oh no no
Can't live without you

Scrape 'Em Off

The wind is high and the stars are bright out on the open road
Yet still you find, to your surprise, that you'd rather stay at home
Where the ghosts will entertain you when you feel like you're alone
So don't be afraid when they rattle their chains, they're just putting on a show

Always said you'd ask for nothing
'Cuz nothing comes for free
You deserve much better
Just between you and me

The night that I first met you, you were happier alone
Without someone just tagging along, they were always too damn slow
But you never really made it big and you couldn't change the world
You're not a beauty queen on all the magazines, just a frightened little girl

And still you ask for nothing
So nothing's what they give
Why'd you settle for nothing, my friend?
When you wanted everything?

Now you're afraid when the piper's paid and you'll be laid to rest
With your microphone and your book of poems clutched tightly to your chest
That your music will not save you, and if you can't save yourself
What makes you think you have anything to offer to someone else?

Life may seem directionless, at times even a waste
I can't say "it'll be OK", at least, not with a straight face
All that I can say right now is "my friend, please don't let go"
'Cuz this place is made more bearable by the people who make it home

Second Star

I know it's not easy to be happy
When you can't find a place to call your own
But I've found a way to lose our worries
A place our troubles cannot go

So why don't we just fly, off into the night
Second star to the right and straight on, until the sun's first light
Won't you trust in my plan, though you don't understand
Grab ahold of my hand, we're off to Never-Neverland

Well I can't claim to be Prince Charming
But I'll always treat you like a queen
And there's never been a doubt in my mind
We'd find our fairytale ending

So why don't we just fly, off into the night
Second star to the right and straight on, until the sun's first light
Won't you trust in my plan, though you don't understand
Grab ahold of my hand, we're off to Never-Neverland
Where we'll never grow old, but we'll never be bored
'Cuz we're never alone and we'll never say "never" again

No need to wish upon a star my dear
I promise you that I'll always be here
And anytime that you need
I'll take you away, I'll take you away
Far from this place, with a kiss upon your face
I'll take you away

So why don't we just fly
Second star to the right

So why don't we just fly, off into the night
Second star to the right and straight on, until the sun's first light
Won't you trust in my plan, though you don't understand
Grab ahold of my hand, we're off to Never-Neverland
Where we'll never grow old, but we'll never be bored
'Cuz we're never alone and we'll never say "never" again

Shepherd's Dog

You were always the strong and the silent type
Slept with one eye open all your life
There was no hate in your heart and no innocent blood on your hands

And you could have flown away from this life
Held that pedal down through the night
The sun's coming up and the sea isn't so far away

Not so far go, no it won't take long
Just to find a home, for the shepherd's dog

You said "No one is blameless these crazy days"
Like losing that key down the rooftop drain
You said "Let every man prove he's better than where he's come from

They called you their friend in the better times
They ate you alive when you spoke your mind
You said all men have sinned and we all have our crosses to bear

And you died all alone in that darkened room
Your last words, they echoed in the concrete tomb
You said "God's got His plan and my rest isn't so far away

Not so far to go, no it won't take long
Just to find a home for the shepherd's dog
Not so far to go, no it won't take long
Just to find a home for the shepherd's dog... For the shepherd's dog

Shut Up




Stay right where you are
Stay right where you are
Don’t you make a move
I’m comin’ home yeah,
I’m comin’ home to you

Stay right where you are
Stay right where you are
Don’t you make a move
I’m comin’ home yeah,
I’m comin’ home to you

Sometimes I’ll get stupid
And sometimes I’ll get confused
But just try to be patient
‘Cuz all I want, yeah
All I want is you

Tracing figure eights
Along your shoulder blades
Is where I want to be
Cuz you’re all I need yeah,
You’re everything to me

Sometimes I’ll get stupid
And sometimes I’ll get confused
But just try to listen
‘Cuz all I want, yeah
All I want is you

Whatever you say,
Don’t say it’s too late
I know there’s no mistakes
We can’t undo, please
Let me make it ok

And sometimes I’ll be stupid
And sometimes you’ll be stupid too
But don’t stop believin’
That you’re all I want and
I’m all you want too

Stay right where you are

Suddenly Simple

The Runaway

I was just a boy when I set out on my own
I’d never strayed far from the place that I’d come from
I was only a boy when I left my home
I wasn’t seeking riches, I only felt it in my bones, I had to go
To the road

And my mother, she kissed my face, and said “Baby don’t you lose your way”
And I prayed, I prayed, I prayed, that I’d find my way home someday

I met a pretty girl with pale blue eyes
She had a ribbon in her hair and she always wore a smile
I met a pretty girl with the ocean in her eyes
And a pink and yellow dress that was doin’ its best to hide her knees
From me

From the moment I saw her face in that barren and broken blue place
I prayed, I prayed, I prayed, that someday I could give her my name

At the end of all things where even memory dies
I gave up my body to stay by her side
At the end of all things in the infinite night
I could have stared down any demon, I was not afraid to die, with her hand
Holdin’ mine

And I prayed, I prayed, I prayed, that the darkness wouldn’t take us away
And she prayed, she prayed, she prayed
She prayed, she prayed, she prayed
With all of her heart she prayed
And the whole world prayed with her that day
And the darkness raged in impotent rage
And we prayed, we prayed, we prayed
And we found our way home that day

The Show

There's No Dark Side of the Moon

I don't know how to write a song anymore
I never really did, but don't tell
I was just lucky two or three times
Maybe it's the same for everyone else
Is it the same way for everyone else?

I don't know how to make you laugh anymore
But I bet that I could if I tried
If I never jump I'll never soar
But I can't fall if I don't try to fly
Can't call if I don't try to fly

I was a child when I heard you
I don't pretend that I understand
Leviathan rise to the surface
Holding my light in your hands

They say that I'm different, they tell me I've changed
That I'm not the boy they thought they knew
Don't you know that there's no dark side of the moon?
Just the side that never shows itself to you
Just the side that I don't show to you

I know that I don't deserve you
I don't know if I ever can
I only want to be near you
You're my voice, you are my hands

Where did I find you, when did we meet?
What did you see in me?
How did I lose you, why did you leave?
Without you who will I be?
Without you who the hell can I be?

Too Late For Me


It's Friday night in a city that can only
Be described as a poor man's Santa Barbara
It's cold outside but I've got my coat
To ward off the chill as we walk, I'll hold you close

I've been waiting for someone to save me
I've been waiting for you

It's Friday night and my room is bathed in
The familiar blue glow of my TV set
It's a little cold but I'll be fine
As I sit and wonder where you are tonight

Are you waiting somewhere just for me to call your name
I've been waiting patiently for you to do the same
Now I'm trying with everything I am just to pretend
That I don't miss you

I've been waiting for someone to save me
I've been waiting for you
And I've been praying that you won't forget me
I've been waiting for you

For you...

But I can't wait forever
Yeah I can wait forever
Don't make me wait forever
I'll try to wait forever, forever

I'm still waiting for someone to save me
I'm still watiting for you
When you're ready for someone to save you
I'll be here waiting for you
For you...

I'm still waiting...

Walk You Home

The pathway that will lead us to your home
To my feet, is as familiar as my own
I’ve come to love the light this time of day
As it makes it’s way through treetops to caress your face

May I walk you home
May I walk you home
May I walk you home from school?

We’re laughing in the street between the bars
And I think it’d be unwise for us to make use of our cars
The stars burn bright and brilliantly tonight
And I’d do anything for just a few more minutes by your side

May I walk you home
May I walk you home
May I walk you home tonight?

I never thought we’d be quite where we are
That someone could ever hold me quite so firmly in their heart
And we may have our troubles time to time
But I’m content as always when I’m right here by your side

May I walk you home
May I walk you home
May I walk you to our home?

We All Got Lost

I never learned to listen, I only learned to cry myself to sleep
I'm not sure what I'm missing, I only know I'm not who I thought I'd be

But we all got lost, yeah we all got lost
Well we all got lost on the way to Scarborough Fair

If only you could see the world the way it shows itself to me
If only you could hear the rapture in a strumming guitar's strings

But we all got lost, yeah we all got lost
Well we all got lost on the way to Scarborough Fair

I'm not sorry I'm not perfect
Is anyone really perfect?
At least I'm trying to reach it
You're not even trying

But we all got lost, yeah we all got lost
Well we all got lost on the way to Scarborough Fair

But we all got lost, yeah we all got lost
Well we all got lost on the way to Scarborough Fair

Who Isn't?

I don't expect to be the best at anything
But I think I'd like to be good for something
Other than screwing up every single thing I touch
No matter how hard I try, my best just ain't good enough

Who isn't waiting to be changed?
And who isn't praying to be saved?

It terrifies me to think that this is all I'm meant to be
Just some kind of stupid weed, good for nothing
At night when I shut my eyes, but I can't shut off my mind
I think of a time when I felt good for something

Who isn't tired of waiting for change?
And who isn't tired of praying just to be saved?

If you're tired and you know it, clap your hands
If you're dying and you know it clap your hands
I'm trying hard, I swear it, clap your hands
But I'm dying and I know it, clap your hands

I'm sick of waiting for someone to change in me what I hate
And I'm sick of praying to some God who might not know my name
And who isn't dying to finally change?
And who isn't praying that God knows their name?

Who isn't?


You don't belong here, you should not come
I am not tame, dear. I am not young
I'm old as time is, and I am wild
You cannot own me, my foolish child

We don't belong here, but that's why we come
To scale your mountains, to see the sun
We cannot own you and we will not try
We're here for only such a little time

The moon it sings me to sleep at night
My bed is the river, my roof the sky
I cannot hold you tightly to my breast
My touch is the West Wind, my embrace is death

But if you'll face the peril, and if I open my arms
Remember my dear, love does no harm

If you share your beauty, we'll brave the cold
Of the river's water, to cleanse our souls
But though we do love you, we cannot lie
We may wound you in our selfish pride

You don't belong here, you should not come
I am not tame dear, I am not young

You and You and You and I

You are the sunshine and I am the moon
You light up my face when I turn to you
Thank you for shining your light on my world
I'll always love you, my sunshine girl

You are the sun
You are the sun

You are the storm clouds and I am the sea
My heart is replenished when you wash over me
As water returns from the deeps to the sky
So shall our love never run dry

You are the storm
You are the storm

You are the void where the stars softly sing
Nothing but boundless possibilities
You'll change the world, son, of that I am sure
You are my life I want nothing more

You are the void
You are the void

You are my life
You are my life

Young Man's Song

Caught a ride from Jersey out to the West Coast
Tryin' to find a place just to lay my head
Thought I'd find some solace with some new ghosts
But they beat me and they left me for dead

Now I'm an old man living in a young man's skin
I'm a young man paying for an old man's sins

Saw the face of an angel in the darkness
Her hair was like gold and she laughed like a gentle rain
We laughed as we ran in the ocean along the sea glass
'Till the ghosts came and took my angel away

Now I'm a poor man living in a rich man's world
I'm a poor man trying to win an uptown girl
I'm a young man singing an old man's song
Just a young man trying to find where I belong

Now I'm an old man singing an old man's song
I'm an old man trying to right a young man's wrongs
I'm a young man living in an old man's skin
I'm an old man trying to forget where I've been
I'm an old man singing a young man's song
Just an old man trying to find where I belong